
Treon's Cut Rate

by Heather Shayne Blakeslee

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"It is encouraging to see talent like this, particularly with uncertain times ahead for the country. Observers, recorders, and commentators on real American life are needed, and Blakeslee shows plenty of potential to become an important contributor." Demorama

"[Treon's Cute Rate] has a ring of Natalie Merchant in the 10,000 Manics part of her career: a complex mixture of folk, blues and even, country. The lyrics are more like storytelling; strong and real. Her music is positive and overwhelmingly beautiful---as intimate as a lullaby and as gritty as a roadhouse. It's got some real character. Pop this in next time you're cruising down Route 66." What's Up Magazine, Boston, MA


A Note: This is my sophomore effort and I never officially released this album. I was living in New York during 9/11, after which I went through an intense two years of transition. I went on tour with my first record, and started recording this one while I was living in a little cabin for a year in rural Pennsylvania, sorting things out. During that time, I also magically connected with songwriter Jackie Tice, who nursed me back to health spiritually and musically. While I finished the album, I didn't have the energy to promote it or play shows. It still exists.